1. Visit https://developers.facebook.com. Log in to Facebook if you are not already logged in. Use your normal Facebook credentials that have access to your Page.
2. In the upper left, click on My Apps > Add New App.
3. Enter a tab name (generally we recommend using Gift Cards) and an appropriate contact email.
4. Answer the security question to verify you aren't a robot.
5. Next, you'll want to change the settings for your new app. Navigate to the app dashboard and select Settings > Basic.
6. Enter a Privacy Policy URL and Terms of Service URL. If you don't have your own - use ours: https://www.itson.me/tos for both.
7. Next, scroll down the page and click + Add Platform. Select Page Tab.
8. Under the Page Tab section on the app's basic settings page, enter your Facebook Tab widget URL (provided by the ItsOnMe team) and a tab name (we recommend Gift Cards).
Your Tab widget URL will be in the form https://www.itson.me/widget/<a_unique_identifier>. This will be similar to your website widget URL but is different for tracking purposes.
9. Save your changes.
10. Now we need to publish your app. Click on App Review in the left navigation. Then toggle the Make [App Name] Public? option.
11. Select a category and Confirm you want to make the app public. We recommend the Shopping category.
12. Next, we need to add this tab to your actual Facebook Page. First thing, make note of your App ID. This appears in the upper left in the header.
13. Open a new browser window and enter the following URL in to your URL bar:
https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=<your_app_id>&next=<your facebook tab widget url>
You will be prompted to select which Page to add the tab to:
14. You are now done with the set up. However, let's confirm your tab is visible. In a new browser window, visit your Facebook page. On the left side, you should see your new tab app.
Here is an example:
If you see your Facebook tab widget, you are all set - you can close down all the setup windows we opened as part of this process.
If you have any questions or run in to issues - feel free to contact the ItsOnMe support team.
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